Os guerreiros da paz são um sonho meu, não dificil de realizar, embora trabalhoso, de criar uma página onde quem tenha pouco tempo, pouca paciência ou pouco dinheiro mas boa vontade e sentido de missão e "dever moral" se possa rever, possa ajudar a moldar um mundo mais justo, com menos dor: venha ela dos seres humanos, dos animais ou até da natureza/ambiente.

Não precisa mais que isso: boa vontade, alguns segundos por dia ou por semana, para vir aqui dar o seu pequeno contributo, pequeno não é insignificante porque todos podemos fazer alguma coisa, nem que pouco seja: todos juntos faremos a força!

é uma página de activismo e consciencialização on-line, também de informação sobre temas úteis ao planeta e a vida nele.

Há muitas formas simples de ajudar on-line: clicar para doar (sem dar dinheiro) , informar-se e consciencializar-se, assinar petições e protestos, enviar cartas e e-mails de protesto e apelos etc.

O espirito que busco nesta página, que já vem do tempo do HI5, é um espirito de luta NÃO VIOLENTA NEM BELICISTA claro! espirito de luta pacifica pelo bem. Garra, inconformismo com a miséria a dor e falta de esperança: é essa a nossa «luta» que toda a guerra , mesmo que digam que é pela paz, nunca é pela paz, nem de paz , nem traz paz!

Sigam o blogue e convidem amigos. Um abraço.

quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011

Boas novas e mais um pedido de acção / plea for action

Anteriormente pedi aos seguidores ou leitores do blogue que enviassem uma carta ou mail ao presidente da câmara de Lisboa acerca da não destruição das hortas junto ao Colombo recordam-se? pois bem, vão renascer com melhores condições e oficiais, novas hortas. Estão a ficar lindas, já dei os parabéns à câmara municipal e hei-de partilhar fotos se Deus quiser.

Outra boa nova é a da petição por mais direitos para os animais da pecuária intensiva: o processo chegou onde deveria, já recebi resposta, já respondo ao inquérito que a FAO enviou e está a ser-lhe dada a devida atenção e mudanças, a que esta petição é uma ajuda e uma achega, estão em curso.

Outra boa nova mais antiga é a da petição pelo fim dos testes laboratoriais em chimpanzés: foi atribuida à petição enviada um nº de processo e vai ser analisada. Tentarei, em principio, reforçar a ideia reenviando à mesma e outras organizações.

Vale sempre a pena lutar! não se tem nada a perder e tudo a ganhar.

No entanto deixo os contactos directos para lhes re-mostrarem estes links, destas petições e dizerem de vossa justiça por palavras vossas.

Para os animais da pecuária intensiva:


E pelos chimpanzés, a segunda e esta última mais estas:



Your Excellency:

JUST BECAUSE WE SEE THEM OFTEN AS FOOD, JUST BECAUSE WE EAT THEM, DOESN`T MEAN THEY DONT FEEL EMOTIONS, AND IN SAME CASES:LIKE PIGS, DUCKS AND SHEEP: COMPLEX EMTIONS, DUE TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE INTELIGENT ANIMALS (SPECIALY THE PIG: SMARTE THAN A DOG!). Imagine what animals with such profile suffer treted as mere objects, merchandise: placed in small cages loooking at the wall for hours, listening to the screams seeing their next cage partner go insane over the stress and boredom, and going himself insane, sort of realizing that the kind of treatment he his getting cannot lead to anything good or pleasent: death, that is what he feared, now, just wants it to come without pain or suffering, such luck... No other animal is as cruel as man, no other animal puts his victims to the cruel things I saw on pages and pages on the web and on youtube that made me sick and disapointed at the human race. That is of course, if you can call this mob humans...a well formed, good character human beeing would look into the animals eyes and see fear, panic, sadness, insanity, boredom: just as he would see in a human. It is notourious: THEY DO SCREAM! THEY DO GET RIGID MUSCLES AND EYES WIDE OPEN ON FEAR AND PAIN! THEY GET STEREOTYPED BEHAVIORS; THEY THEREFORE GET INSANE ASWELL. NOT HAVING EMPATHY TOWARDS FEELINGS IS CALLED PSYCHOPATHY...WELL, I WOULDNT GO SO FAR, BUT IIT IS LACK OF GOOD HEART, A GOOD PERSON WOULDNT BE ABLE TO BE AS COLD TO ANIAMALS AS SOME POULTRY OWNERS! This videos below show how cold hearted and mean to do this to animals: AND KNOW: THE SAD EXAMPLES OF WHAT MANKIND CAN DO UNMERCIFULY... "...This is how a veal calf spends his first 4-5 months, before taking his first walk to the truck that will take him to the slaughter house -- if he's able to stand up or walk at all by then. Veal calves are deprived of their mothers and their mothers milk, so we can drink it instead. They are fed an anemic substitute, laced with antibiotics because they're sickly, and deprived of exercise to keep their meat tender and white. They are the by-product of the dairy industry, whose brief lives from confinement to slaughter represents the highest hidden cost of milk. (photo courtesy of Ohio U, SETA)..." IN MANY COUNTRIES PEOPLE EAT TOO MUCH VEAL, THIS IS THE WAY THEY FOUND OF KEEPING IT TENDER...NOT LETTING BABY ANIMAL MOOVE AND LIVE, IN A STAGE OF LIFE WHERE THAT IS ESSENTIAL...BUT HEY...THEY ARE NOT GOING TO LIVE AT ALL ARE THEY? IT IS FROM HELL TO DEATH! PERSIAN LAMB DEXTRACTION METHOD... "...To produce Persian Lamb the mother sheep is killed just before giving birth and the fetus is extracted for it's pelt..." o.k...this is the horror of horrors: before giving birth to the lamb the mother is killed and her cub is taken from her womb alive but dying afterwords violently...they call it "PERSIAN LAMB" DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT EVER EAT IT! AWAY FROM MOM, AFFECTION: FROM LIFE....BORN TO SUFFER... PIGS IN CELLS AND CONFINED PLACES... "... Pigs are highly intelligent, social animals capable of living up to 20 years. Today, over 95 percent of pigs are raised in automated confinement buildings spending their entire lives indoors. They are slaughtered at only six months of age. Their short lives are filled with misery. The 'breeding stock' - female pigs kept to produce the piglets who are killed for meat - are kept in gestation crates while they are pregnant. Here they are unable to walk or turn around. Some of the larger sows barely fit in the crate. They are forced to live on cold, bare cement floors in their own excrement during their 4 month pregnancy. The European Commission%u2019s Scientific Veterinary Committee condemned gestation crates in a 1997 report because of the serious health and welfare problems. It stated sows in stalls have weaker bones and muscles, heart problems and more urinary tract infections. Crating pigs can also send them mad. Many pigs show 'stereotyped behavior', moving their heads backwards and forwards in an exact and constantly repeated motion, gnawing on their bars with the precision of a metronome. It is the same syndrome which causes zoo animals to pace relentlesssly, and as the UK government supported research states: 'this behavior resembles in many respects the development in humans of chronic psychiatric disorders..." Remember: highly inteligent...  FOIE GRAS TERROR: STUCK THEM IN FOOD UNTIL THEIR LIVER SWELLS TO TWICE IS NORMAL SIZE. THEY FORCE THE ANIMALS TO EAT EVEN WHEN THEY ARE FAR TO FULL... DONT EVER, EVER, EVER, EAT FOIGRAS!!! "... Foie gras (translated literally from French as "fatty liver" and pronounced 'fwah grah') is produced by cruel and inhumane farming practices. At just a few months old, ducks are confined inside dark sheds and force-fed enormous amounts of food several times a day. A farm worker grabs each duck and, one by one, thrusts a metal pipe down their throats so that a mixture of corn can be forced directly into their gullets. In just a matter of weeks, the ducks become grossly overweight and their livers expand up to 10 times their normal size. .."( FILL HIM UNTIL HE BURSTS OR VOMIT: NO WAY TO SAY NO... PGLETS BARBACUE/ NEVER EAT LEIT%uFFFDO EM PORTUGAL OR PIGLET ANYWHERE... Piglets get apart from their mom that ears him scream in pain while they cut of his teeth. She ears him but is jailed and just have to listen in stress. The poor animal barely gets the chance to see the world, to live at all...
OTHER SAD EXAMPLES: CATTLE TRANSPORTATION AND SLAUGHTER LODGEMENT CONDITIONS AGRESSION AND COLDNESS TOWARDS ANIMAL WELFARE ANIMALS ARE TRETAED AS MERE OBJECTS NUTRITION IS POOR AND IMPROPER WE WANT: Respect for these 5 elements above: proper lodging: no pilled animals, no calls, no veal cells, no live to eat and die: AFTER ALL IT IS OUR HEALTH THAT IS IN CASE! H1N1 VIRUS, BSE and other ailments are caused by such unhuman way of breading animals. Respect for animals in their transportation and slaughter (the less stress possible and merciful ways of slaughter) formation courses for people working with animals and psychological tests aswell: no more bullies) economical incentives to more natural and human ways to bread animals: like the biological method campaigns to reduce meat consumption: it is bad for the health to exagerate and bad for the breading of animals (becomes mass breading) A discipline on vegetarian food and cooking in schools: vegetarianism is the future. Provide supermarkets good conditions to trade on biological meat and others bio. products. OTHER LINKS THAT SHOULD CATCH YOUR ATTENTION (people are concerned and aware of all horrors, and they do not want them): (LINK ABOVE ON A CAUSE FOR FUR FARMS IN CHINA AND KOREA: ANIMALS ARE SKINNED ALIVE: DOGS TOO...IS THAT HUMAN?! IS THAT OF RATIONAL BEEINGS?! IS THAT ACCEPTABLE?!: NO!!!) (LINK ABOVE FOR BEAR BILE FARMS: ANOTHER HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE THAT TEARS HEAVEN. ALL THIS IS LIKE SPITTING ON GOD'S WORK, ON CREATION! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!) (FOR MOON BEARS IN KOREA AND OTHER ASIAN COUNTRIES: ALLWAYS THE FOOLISH ASIANS BEHAVING UNHUMANLY! BAD FOR THEIR IMAGE, NO DOUBT!) (FUR KFC CHICKEN AND OTHER BATTERY HERN FARMS: RAISED AS UNANIMATED OBJECTS...) (THE PUPPY FARMS: THE CHERRY ON DANTE'S HELL)  (FUR FARMS CRUELTY: A VAIN LUXURY THAT CAUSES PAIN AFOR ANIMALS ND INDIGNATION FOR TRUE HUMAN SO HERE IS WHAT WE WANT ALSO: THE CREATION OF A SUPERIOR INTERNATIONAL AUTHORITY ON THESE MATTERS WITH SPECIAL POWERS / ACTION POSSIBILITIES TO ACT AND CONTROL. A NUMBER ANYONE CAN CALL, AND A E-MAIL TO REPORT ABUSES. BETTER LAWS: HARDER AND MORE EFFECTIVE. AN ANIMAL'S CAUSES COURT, IF POSSIBLE. A SPECIAL PATROL / ACTION FORCE OR "POLICE" IF POSSIBLE, IN EVERY COUNTRY BY LAW. "...Everyday millions of people go to McDonalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken and enjoy a juicy hamburger or consume a crispy, golden-fried chicken. Billions of families around the world eat meat and share laughs together over the dinner table. But, what goes on behind the closed doors of slaughterhouses before producers deliver perfectly packaged meat to our grocery stores?  Employees of Kentucky Fried Chicken, one of the biggest fast-food chains of poultry, were caught in July 2004, torturing their chickens for fun. Workers were videoed stomping on chickens, kicking them, and slamming them violently against floors and walls. Workers also ripped the animals' beaks, twisted their heads off, spray-painted their faces, and squeezed the chickens' bodies until they would die. Each year a person will consume 230 pounds of meat. Together, the world consumes 2.6 billion pounds of dairy cow a year. Eight billion animals a year are slaughtered for food. However, the conditions under which they are processed are brutal. For example, animals are supposed to have space when they are transported but instead they are packed together, not having any room to move, walk, and barely breathe. This causes many animals to become sick. Some die on the way. In fact, half a million animals a year that arrive at slaughterhouses are either dead or in unacceptable condition for slaughter. Many of the remaining animals have broken limbs. Even these are further injured when they are unloaded. Other forms of brutality include the "Halal method," where the animal's neck is slit in two and a half spots and, while conscious, allowed to bleed to death. A similar "method" is hanging the live, fully conscious animals upside down while their carotid arteries are cut.  Once aware of these procedures, many fast-food fans are reconsidering their diets. "It is repulsive and sick what is being committed by humans to animals in the U.S.," said Ashley Coutier, a resident of Sparta. "It should be stopped as soon as possible." In 1960, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act was passed, but unfortunately everyday laws are violated, and the truth needs come out. "I have heard about some of the things slaughterhouses do, but there are some things I just don't want to know and I am better off not knowing about," said Steve Snow, a sophomore at Sparta High School..."  "...A wise woman named Linda McCartney once said, slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone in the world would be a vegetarian. This is one of the truest statements ever made. If people thought about or saw what really happens to animals in slaughterhouses for more than a second, it would get to them and they would not be able to bring themselves to still be a carnivore. Those animals endure some of the cruelest treatment and neglect. Also, slaughterhouses are kept in the most unsanitary conditions and violate more laws then almost any other business. The slaughter of animals for human consumption should be banned. First of all, the statistics show it would benefit land, animals lives, and the grain and food supply if we stopped eating meat.
Each person consumes 230 pounds of animals each year. Together we consume 2.6 billion pounds of dairy cow a year. There has been an increase in the amount of animals we consume and how much grain itu2019s taking to feed them. Eight billion animals a year are slaughtered for food. [Ed. note: In 2002 the total was ten billion.] The breakdown of each animal that is slaughtered is 38 million cows and calves, 95 million hogs, 5 million sheep and goats, 278 million turkeys, 20 million ducks, and over 7 billion chickens. The average cow should live 20 years but because they are not allowed to have a normal life and they are just raised to be slaughtered, the average life expectancy is 6 to 8 years, and sometimes even then the cows only live to 14 months. The amount of animals that are raised annually for slaughter is 30 times more then the total human population in the US, and more then the number of humans in the world. Twenty years ago livestock consumed 6% of Mexico's grain and today they consume nearly 50%, and in Canada 77% of their grain is used to raise livestock. If American countries alone would reduce their meat consumption by just 10% that would save enough grain to feed 60 million people. The reality is it takes 4 acres of land to feed a meat eater, but only 1/2 an acre or less to feed a vegetarian. On 1/2 an acre of land 10,000lbs of apples and 20,000lbs of potatoes can be grown successfully into food. Only 100lbs of beef can be raised on that. Over a lifetime, a vegetarian will save 21 cows, 14 sheep, 12 hogs, and 1400 chickens from being slaughtered. They will also save 1 acre of trees a year from being cut down. Slaughterhouses shouldn't be allowed to still be in operation. They have violated almost every restriction, law, and rule that has been placed on their industry. Almost everything added to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act in 1960 is being violated. It's known that no matter what the animals condition is the butcher takes it into their own hands to make the most money possible. There are rules about loading and unloading that are broken every second. The animals are supposed to have space when they are transported but instead they are packed together like sardines. There are rules about cruelty to animals such as no torturing or subjecting them to unnecessary pain and suffering, and no keeping them in cages that there is not sufficient room to go with their measurements. One of the biggest issues is that the animals are not supposed to be exposed to their own kind getting slaughtered, but they are constantly having to watch their own kind getting dragged mercilessly to their brutal death. It's also against the law to slaughter animals below 6 months, pregnant animals, sick animals, and young animals who are supplying milk. A slaughterhouse in Texas had 22 violations during a period of 6 months. During one of those inspections there were 9 live cattle found dangling from an overhead chain. Yet this is how slaughterhouses operate over and over again each day. It doesn't help that cases against them are usually not pursued because venturing deep into slaughterhouses is not an idea liked by officials. Transporting animals should be like transporting a human, each one having their own space and each one being reasonably taken care of. However, if people were treated like the livestock while riding a bus or any other kind of transportation, many people would be facing serious charges. Just because it is abuse to an animal and not a human doesn't mean any less should be done about it. Animals are packed and pressed together so close into vehicles that they can't move and can barley breathe. A lot of times just in the process of loading the animals they will trample each other to death and blind one another with their horns. The law states that in that process they should have food, water, veterinary services, and protection from natural elements (wind, rain, fire, etc.). That is the care that any living thing should be entitled too. Those poor animals don't ever get to see a drop of any of those things though. While getting an animal from a distant place into the city where they are loaded, the animals are sometimes made to run there. No matter what the whether conditions are. Red chili powder is put in their eyes in order to force them to run faster. They are beaten and severely tortured just to accomplish getting them to a destination. Sometimes the drivers of the vehicles make fast turns and stops that causes the animals to get knocked around and injured. The animals fall on each other which causes suffocation and more broken bones. When it finally comes down to unloading the animals, the condition they are in is appalling. Half a million animals a year that arrive at slaughterhouses are dead or in unacceptable condition for slaughter. Other animals are half dead but are still just picked up and thrown down on the concrete. Many have broken limbs but are further injured when they are getting unloaded. The handlers don't bother with kindness or care because they figure they are going to face the butchers knife anyway. While keeping the animals before its their time to be slaughtered they endure a series of inhumane procedures and treatment. PETA described what they witnessed one morning at a slaughterhouse by 10:00 a.m. there were already more than a dozen downed cattle. One bull kept trying to rise to his feet but could not. He struggled before collapsing under the scorching sun, blood oozing out of his nose; his legs and horns broken. This is one example of what someone saw, but there are things that happen like that every day. There is also a videotape that was secretly set up in an Iowa pork plant that caught live hogs squealing and kicking as they were being lowered into a tank of water.
PETA described what they witnessed one morning at a slaughterhouse by 10:00 a.m. there were already more than a dozen downed cattle. One bull kept trying to rise to his feet but could not. He struggled before collapsing under the scorching sun, blood oozing out of his nose; his legs and horns broken. This is one example of what someone saw, but there are things that happen like that every day. There is also a videotape that was secretly set up in an Iowa pork plant that caught live hogs squealing and kicking as they were being lowered into a tank of water. Unfortunately, there are things that are more unbelievable then that which happen and have not been caught on tape yet. However, even though it's not captured on tape we do know some other things that happen in slaughterhouses. Some of the treatment includes the use of electric prods, castration with no anesthetic, branding and tail docking with no pain relief, and hot iron de-horning with no pain relief. The de-horning involves pressing scorching heat onto the calves horns for a full 30 seconds then repeating it on the other side for another 30 seconds. Also, de-beaking with no pain relief. For that they use hot glue guns or cigarette lighters to cut through bone, cartilage, and tissue of the birds. In a different part of the slaughter house there may be birds that are alive and dangling by their feet on metal hooks. Electricity stuns them as they roll on the line for the neck blade to come down and kill them. Other handling that the animals are subjected to is the hens are forced into a schedule that restricts their water for 2 weeks and cows are limited to 2 milkings a day, when they are supposed to have 6. The average life span of a hen is 16 years but with what they endure in slaughterhouses it's shortened to 18 months. Roosters aren't that lucky, they are gassed right away and their remains are sent to rendering plants. Others don't get to be put out of their misery so fast. There are animals that have their legs broken or hacked off so they can't run away. Some animals who are incapacitated are left laying around for days, suffering much neglect. If they are left laying outside long enough, a number of them freeze to death in the winter and fry to death in the summer. Many of the animals suffer the equivalent to that when they are dragged with chains and pushed with tractors, causing torn ligaments and broken bones. The way in which the animals are slaughtered is tragic. The animals suffer copious amounts of pain and are sometimes alive and alert when they are being slaughtered. Every animal is supposed to be separated from others, be rendered unconscious, and then be slaughtered. They are not supposed to be dragged by their legs, ears, and horns. However, that usually is how it is done. There are a few methods of slaughtering that are practiced, and not one is humane and how it's supposed to be done. One is decapitating the animal. Another is the Halal method where the neck is slit in 2 1/2 spots while they are conscious and that forces them to bleed to death. In that case the animal is alive and aware that they are severely bleeding and they are in excruciating pain. Burying an animal's head in the ground is not a common practice but it is still used. That way they are suffocated to death. One of the most mortifying ways of slaughtering is sticking a long iron rod through the anal opening, through the body, and making it emerge through the mouth. All the while the animal, usually a pig, is squealing endlessly. Sometimes there is not even that much effort put into slaughtering the animal and they will just burn them to death. Cattle are many times stunned in the head with a steel bolt, their throats are slit, then they are left laying around to bleed to death. The bleeding method is used when they want the least damage to the carcass as possible. The animal is cut in a place where they will bleed the fastest. One man that has worked in a slaughterhouse says they blink. They make noises. The head moves, the eyes are wide and looking around. He watches animals die a slow and painful death everyday when the animals are perfectly alive and conscious. He also said, Some would survive as far as the tail cutter, the belly ripper, and the hide puller. They die, piece by piece". Many animals do make it as far as being skinned when they are still living and feeling pain to the fullest. Last of all, slaughterhouses do the least proficient job of cleaning up after animals are killed. It would be bad enough living near a slaughterhouse, but many neighbors say the worst thing is not the thought. They are constantly inhaling the nauseating stench each and every day. Neighbors also have entrails, skin, joints, and blood being dropped onto their property. Birds of prey get a hold of the barley disposed remains, fly away with them, then drop it on the near by people's land. There are usually rivers of blood flowing around the slaughterhouses and sometimes make it as far as to where the neighbors can see or smell it. The bones are boiled on the slaughter house premise which causes them to create further pollution and stench. The skins are sitting around outside in piles, sometimes for long periods of time, waiting for the tanneries to come pick them up. In unsanitary towns the carcasses are transported around with out being frozen. The water flowing through slaughterhouses go through treatment tanks like public sewers and then they end up spilling into creeks and rivers, generating more pollution. A number of slaughter houses have been ordered to add more washers and thorouly clean up. The evidence shows that many have not followed that order because the swelling of the rivers have not gone down yet. Slaughterhouses have no right to be doing what they are doing. They perform every operation illegally. They don't give the animals food, water, shelter, veterinary services, or humane treatment.
There is a pile of violations on them and yet they still continue to break more laws. Then on top of that they cause pollution and a disturbance to their surrounding neighbors. For some reason they think that in their industry they are allowed to make their own rules and do business however they please. We need to show them that that’s not allowed by shutting them down right away. SOLUTIONS WE REQUIRE (THESE OR BETTER): "First, rules must be clear so that enforcement is not an inherently subjective process prone to mistakes and abuse. In particular, the downer loophole must be closed. ...The current flawed rule depends on plant workers summoning a USDA inspector back to reevaluate an animal who becomes nonambulatory after initial inspection, in order for the inspector to decide if the animal can be slaughtered, a system that seems bound to fail given the enormous pressure plant workers are under by their company superiors to move the maximum number of animals quickly to slaughter. This system creates financial incentives for precisely those abuses that we witnessed in the undercover footage.... "For the animals, removing current incentives that encourage workers to try every cruel tactic imaginable to move downers to the kill box would alleviate suffering. If crippled animals cannot be sold for food, slaughter plants have no reason to prolong their misery to try to get them through the slaughter process." Temple Grandin, Professor, Colorado State University and author of Animals in Translation, testified, " I have worked for over 30 years to improve the treatment of animals at slaughter plants. Half the cattle and 25% of the pigs are handled in facilities I have designed. ...The recent video of dairy cows being tortured with a forklift made me sick. The abuse of cattle at this plant was 100% caused by a lack of employee supervision and a complete failure of the USDA inspectors. The Humane Slaughter Act prohibits dragging of crippled animals, and it was not enforced..... "[M]any of the ... regulations are vague and subject to different interpretations. Inspectors need better training and clear directives to improve consistency. It is impossible for different inspectors to be consistent when vague terminology is used such as unnecessary pain and suffering.'" Grandin explained, "The present system of USDA inspection is like having traffic police giving out speeding tickets when they think cars are speeding. Police departments are able to enforce the speed limits in a uniform manner because the officer MEASURES a car's speed with radar. The decision to pull a car over is based on a measurement, not subjective judgment of speed. For other traffic rules such as being in the wrong lane, the rules are very clearly written so that the officers will interpret them the same way." Grandin recommended clear bans on certain practices. She further recommended "animal based outcome standards [measured with] numerical scoring. For example, the percentage of animals that fall during handling can be caused by either a slick floor or rough handling by people. Falling is an outcome of bad equipment, poorly trained people, or very weak cows that should have never been brought to the plant. Measuring the percentage of cows that fall at a plant is a sensitive indicator of three different types of problems [which can then be corrected]. The percentage of cattle falling can never be zero, so falling cannot be banned, but it should be kept at a very low level." Grandin developed a numerical scoring system during a survey in 1996 of slaughter plants. Grandin concluded, "I recommend that the USDA adopt numerical scoring to make enforcement of the Humane Slaughter Act more uniform and to uphold higher standards. Many progressive inspectors are already informally using it. For the practices that are prohibited, a handbook of very clear guidelines is needed for enforcement. It would list prohibited practices where there is a zero tolerance." Brussels - The European Commission on Thursday called for new rules aimed at reducing animal suffering in Europe's butcheries. Under the proposals, slaughterhouses should appoint a trained staffer responsible for ensuring that animals are being treated humanely. Such a person would, among other things, have to ensure that animals which are stunned do not regain consciousness before they are slaughtered. Manufacturers of stunning equipment would have to provide detailed instructions on how to stun animals, while European governments would have to create research centres tasked with assisting official inspectors. "As a society we have a duty of care to animals, which includes minimising distress and avoiding pain throughout the slaughtering process," said EU Health Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou. Vassiliou's proposals, which are not likely to be approved by EU governments until next year, were welcomed by animal-rights groups. "These proposals are a step in the right direction and will benefit millions of animals," said Sonja Van Tichelen of Eurogroup for Animals, a pressure group. "It is unacceptable in a civilised society that animals have to suffer in their final moments. So much of their suffering can be avoided or decreased by having well-trained staff and by using appropriate stunning techniques," Van Tichelen said. Groups representing meat traders and slaughterhouses said they still needed to study the proposals to find out whether such measures would result in higher production costs. "A good cost-benefit analysis is necessary. Generally speaking we cannot be against measures that aim at protecting animals," said Jean-Luc Meriaux of the European Livestock and Meat Trading Union. Officials in Brussels note that smaller slaughterhouses may be exempted from the new rules.
Nearly 360 million pigs, sheep, goats and cattle, as well as several billion poultry, are killed in EU slaughterhouses each year. A further 25 million animals are slaughtered by the fur industry, according to commission figures. To ensure fair competition, the commission's proposals would also apply to non-EU producers who export their products to member states. (dpa) EU wants welfare officers in slaughterhouses Slaughterhouses throughout the EU could be obliged to appoint special officers for animal welfare who are to ensure that pigs, sheep, goats, cattle and poultry are humanely treated at the time of their killing, according to European Commission proposals unveiled on Thursday (18 October). If approved by all 27 member states, the European Commission's proposal will "integrate welfare considerations into the design of slaughterhouses," requiring the killing techniques to be constantly monitored.  A cow restrained for stunning ahead of slaughter Abattoirs will have to appoint a specific person responsible for animal welfare and ensure that their staff are properly trained and certified, although. Small slaughterhouses will be exempt from this requirement. Every year, nearly 360 million pigs, sheep, goats and cattle as well as several billion chickens are killed in EU slaughterhouses for their meat. The EC proposal will also apply to the about 25 million animals killed for their fur. "As a society we have a duty of care towards animals, which includes minimising distress and avoiding pain throughout the slaughtering process," EU health commissioner Androulla Vassiliou said. "The current EU rules are outdated and need revision. This proposal will make a real difference to the way animals are treated at the time of slaughter, as well as promoting innovation and providing a level playing field for operators," she added. Animal rights groups hailed the commission proposal. Eurogroup for Animals spokesperson Steven Blaakman told EUobserver: "The commission made no mention of religious slaughter," pointing out that some countries such as France allow exceptions on religious grounds from having to stun an animal before it is killed. "There, a large amount of sheep meat comes from animals killed via religious slaughter," Mr Blaakman said, while Sweden permits no exceptions on religious grounds. Enforcing the regulations in the new member states may be difficult however. Romania maintains a strong tradition of slaughtering pigs for Christmas in one's own back yard instead of at slaughterhouses. The European Commission adopted on 18 September a proposal for an EU regulation that improves the conditions for animals at the time of slaughter or killing and ensures that they are humanely treated. To simplify the existing legislation and bring it into line with food hygiene regulations, the proposal integrates welfare considerations into the design of slaughterhouses and requires the regular monitoring of the efficiency of stunning techniques. Slaughterhouses must appoint a specific person responsible for animal welfare and ensure that their staff is properly trained and certified. Manufacturers of stunning equipment will have to provide instructions for ensuring proper animal welfare and a number of technical standards are updated in view of scientific progress. EU Member States will have to create research based centres to provide permanent and competent support to official inspectors. The competent authorities will also be more accountable to the public when they perform mass killings in case of contagious diseases. Every year, nearly 360 million pigs, sheep, goats and cattle as well as several billion poultry are killed in EU slaughterhouses for their meat. In addition, about 25 million animals are killed for their fur. The control of contagious diseases may also require the culling of thousands to millions of other animals. ANIMALS HAVE FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS SIMILAR TO OUR OWN...wether we want to see it or not! See for yourself... "...Cats, dogs, hyenas, and other animals have personality traits in much the same way humans do, according to Samuel D. Gosling, a University of Texas at Austin psychologist who is working toward developing a new field in animal personality. He believes the biological mechanisms underlying these behavioral traits are similar across species. "The idea that nonhuman animals have unique personalities stems from the evolutionary continuity that exists between humans and other species. Unfortunately, there is no unified body of research on animal personality. Some of the early pioneers of psychology studied personality in animals, and then the subject disappeared. I suspect that psychologists thought it didn't sound very scientific. Scientists have been reluctant to ascribe personality traits, thoughts, and emotions to animals, even though they readily accept that the anatomy and physiology of humans is similar to animals," Gosling points out..." NEED WE SAY MORE?! We want animals to stop beeing treated as mere objects , mistreated by greedy, cold-hearted people! We want them to stop beeing pilled, stressed to panic, conscient at their death time! AND THAT INCLUDES... K.F.C chickens and other battery farms on chickens. FUR FARMS BILE BEARS FARMS IN KOREA MOON BEARS IN CHINA HORSE SLAUGHTERHOUSES And others that may be based on the same disgusting methods and processes! Organic and green pasture meat have not been respecting these ethical , human, principales either, AND THEY SHOULD MOST OF ALL! ANIMALS EXPECT NO MORE THAN MERCY OUT OF US...

Thank you for your attention, sincerely (name/country/job)


You Excellency:



"...After feeding and cleaning, the rest of the chimpanzee's day is often spent waiting and doing almost nothing, which can lead to stereotypies (repetitive behavior such as pacing or self-biting). At the very least, those socially housed have the comfort and company of each other. Anxiety, however, is always present.

Veterinarians and veterinary technicians come and go (which can be stressful for the animals as these are not always people they look forward to seeing). Chimpanzees and their roommates may be taken away for veterinary or research procedures, or they may be fasted in anticipation of procedures. Knockdowns (injecting or darting an animal with anesthetic) and some procedures are done in the animal room, which can obviously cause anxiety to the chimpanzees who witness them.

Chimpanzees living in outdoor enclosures typically experience less stress, without the hosing of their cages or people coming and going within close quarters.

Those used in active research protocols have a similar routine to those not being used. However, in addition to being housed alone, their day might include any number of invasive procedures, such as liver biopsies; blood sampling; knockdowns; injection or other exposure to infectious disease; and safety, efficacy or potency testing of pharmaceuticals or vaccines..."(

After feeding and cleaning, the rest of the chimpanzee's day is often spent waiting and doing almost nothing, which can lead to stereotypies (repetitive behavior such as pacing or self-biting). At the very least, those socially housed have the comfort and company of each other. Anxiety, however, is always present.

Veterinarians and veterinary technicians come and go (which can be stressful for the animals as these are not always people they look forward to seeing). Chimpanzees and their roommates may be taken away for veterinary or research procedures, or they may be fasted in anticipation of procedures. Knockdowns (injecting or darting an animal with anesthetic) and some procedures are done in the animal room, which can obviously cause anxiety to the chimpanzees who witness them.

Chimpanzees living in outdoor enclosures typically experience less stress, without the hosing of their cages or people coming and going within close quarters.

Those used in active research protocols have a similar routine to those not being used. However, in addition to being housed alone, their day might include any number of invasive procedures, such as liver biopsies; blood sampling; knockdowns; injection or other exposure to infectious disease; and safety, efficacy or potency testing of pharmaceuticals or vaccines.

After feeding and cleaning, the rest of the chimpanzee's day is often spent waiting and doing almost nothing, which can lead to stereotypies (repetitive behavior such as pacing or self-biting). At the very least, those socially housed have the comfort and company of each other. Anxiety, however, is always present.

Veterinarians and veterinary technicians come and go (which can be stressful for the animals as these are not always people they look forward to seeing). Chimpanzees and their roommates may be taken away for veterinary or research procedures, or they may be fasted in anticipation of procedures. Knockdowns (injecting or darting an animal with anesthetic) and some procedures are done in the animal room, which can obviously cause anxiety to the chimpanzees who witness them.

Chimpanzees living in outdoor enclosures typically experience less stress, without the hosing of their cages or people coming and going within close quarters.

Those used in active research protocols have a similar routine to those not being used. However, in addition to being housed alone, their day might include any number of invasive procedures, such as liver biopsies; blood sampling; knockdowns; injection or other exposure to infectious disease; and safety, efficacy or potency testing of pharmaceuticals or vaccines..."

After feeding and cleaning, the rest of the chimpanzee's day is often spent waiting and doing almost nothing, which can lead to stereotypies (repetitive behavior such as pacing or self-biting). At the very least, those socially housed have the comfort and company of each other. Anxiety, however, is always present.

Veterinarians and veterinary technicians come and go (which can be stressful for the animals as these are not always people they look forward to seeing). Chimpanzees and their roommates may be taken away for veterinary or research procedures, or they may be fasted in anticipation of procedures. Knockdowns (injecting or darting an animal with anesthetic) and some procedures are done in the animal room, which can obviously cause anxiety to the chimpanzees who witness them.

Chimpanzees living in outdoor enclosures typically experience less stress, without the hosing of their cages or people coming and going within close quarters.

Those used in active research protocols have a similar routine to those not being used. However, in addition to being housed alone, their day might include any number of invasive procedures, such as liver biopsies; blood sampling; knockdowns; injection or other exposure to infectious disease; and safety, efficacy or potency testing of pharmaceuticals or vaccines..." (quoted from:

"...Dreams often change on their way to reality"

"... I first went to NYU%u2019s primate research lab called the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates (LEMSIP) in 1991 to check it out after seeing an article about the place in our local newspaper. There were pictures of baby chimpanzees being rocked in rocking chairs by staff garbed in surgical masks and gowns.

"%u2026what was so humbling was how much love and affection the chimpanzees and monkeys gave to us - the humans on the OTHER side of the bars - the ones who had the keys, the ones who did everything (good and bad) to them, the ones who controlled their lives, the ones who were expecting them to withstand conditions that we would never put each other through.
I was appalled and I think the public would be as well if they were aware of the wasted dollars and lives that are consumed by labs, behind closed doors, day after day, under the guise of necessary science to save our lives.%u2014 Nancy Megna

I had heard about LEMSIP the year before as a place that did biomedical research on nonhuman primates %u2013 monkeys and chimpanzees. I had immediately dismissed it as a place that I wouldn%u2019t likely associate with since I had strong feelings against the use of animals in biomedical research. I was going to college to learn about primate behavior and conservation. This article talked about how some of the people who worked there, particularly the Chief Veterinarian, Dr. Jim Mahoney tried to make %u201Cthe best of the worst%u201D meaning that they tried to make the lives of the monkeys and chimpanzees there a little less horrid under the severely deprived conditions and harsh realities of the lab. They had a volunteer program, which is very unusual for biomedical labs since they typically have very %u201Cclosed door%u201D policies.

I decided that I had better go and see for myself. What was going on there? What were they doing to the monkeys and chimpanzees? What kind of people worked there?

Once I met and connected with those baby chimpanzees facing a lifetime in research I asked just one question: What could I do to help them? ..." (quoted from:

Chimps share 90% of their DNA with us , that includes some emotions: depression, anxiety, and diseases with us like AIDS. It is almost like testing medicine and cosmetics upon a child since that is the chimps%u2019 sensibility: of a human child: IT IS UNHUMAN AND SHAMEFUL! We are suppose to be the rational ones! Animals are never cruel as we can be. Why do scientists only see science from one side, hasn`t science proved what I just said about chimps? So why ignore it? NO SERIOUS AND HONEST: OR VALUEBLE SCIENTIST WOULD EVER BE THIS DISONEST AND UNSCIENTIFICAL! ... See more
I would rather eat dirt than be that kind of scientist.
The fact that chimps have those characteristics don`t make them the only case, only the most serious one of all, because all animals used suffer and scream and feel the pain, and like I said: I rather steal than being that kind of scientist.
Sure you will say: how do we make medicine then? How do we cure diseases?
Many medicine also tested have been taken out of the market for their side effects, dangerous side effects DETECTED ONLY ON HUMANS! IT AIN`T THE SAME FELLOWS...

And it is all so much more dirty when there is no need for these tests on chimps or even animals:

1.Animals are often poor substitutes for humans, and some compounds that may well cause no harm to an animal, could seriously harm a human being. Likewise, a drug that is toxic to the animal it is tested on, may have no toxicity, and even therapeutic benefits in humans.

2. Studies have suggested that micro-dosing(where only a tiny amount of a product is given to a human through the skin) could be a new and very effective alternative to animal experiments 7. The recent news that scientists have grown a small piece of human liver tissue from stem cells could also mean that it may one day be possible to perform initial 'human' safety trials in a lab.

3. Pain and suffering still occur, and simply being in captivity can cause great distress to an animal, just as it would to a human. Plus, animal testing facilities cannot be monitored at all times, so the sort of treatment animals receive on a daily basis can never truly be known.


Most scientists and governments say they agree that animal testing should cause as little suffering as possible, and that alternatives to animal testing need to be developed. The "three Rs",first described by Russell and Burch in 1959, are guiding principles for the use of animals in research in many countries:

Reduction refers to methods that enable researchers to obtain comparable levels of information from fewer animals, or to obtain more information from the same number of animals.

Refinement refers to methods that alleviate or minimize potential pain, suffering or distress, and enhance animal welfare for the animals still used.

Replacement refers to the preferred use of non-animal methods over animal methods whenever it is possible to achieve the same scientific aim.
Two major alternatives to in vivo animal testing are in vitro cell culture techniques and in silico computer simulation. However, some claim they are not true alternatives since simulations use data from prior animal experiments and cultured cells often require animal derived products, such as serum. Others say that they cannot replace animals completely as they are unlikely to ever provide enough information about the complex interactions of living systems. Other alternatives, not subject to this criticism, involve the use of humans for skin irritancy tests and donated human blood for pyrogenicity studies. Another alternative is so-called microdosing, in which the basic behaviour of drugs is assessed using human volunteers receiving doses well below those expected to produce whole-body effects.
Cell culture
Cell culture is currently the most successful, and promising, alternative to animal use. For example, cultured cells have been developed to create monoclonal antibodies, prior to this production required animals to undergo a procedure likely to cause pain and distress.
Skin corrosion
Human skin equivalent tests can be used to replace animal-based corrosive studies. Two products, EpiDerm and EpiSkin are derived from human skin cells which have been cultured to produce a model of human skin. These methods are currently accepted replacements in Canada and the European Union. Another synthetic replacement uses a protein membrane to simulate a skin barrier and is approved as a partial replacement by the US Department of Transportation and European Union.
Skin absorption
Several tissue culture methods which measure the rate of chemical absorption by the skin have been approved by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), although they have not yet been approved as a replacement in the US. 6/Jan

Phototoxicity is a rash, swelling or inflammation, like a severe sunburn, caused by exposure to light following exposure to a chemical. The 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake (NRU) Phototoxicity Test, approved by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), detects the viability of 3T3 cells after exposure to a chemical in the presence or absence of light. Although originally derived from a mouse embryo, the 3T3 cell line was developed in 1962.
Skin irritation
A skinpatch test has been designed and is used in Canada to measure development of rashes, inflammation, swelling or abnormal tissue growth on human volunteers. Unlike corrosives, irritants cause only reversible skin damage.
Pyrogens are most often pharmaceutical products or intravenous drugs that may cause inflammation or fever when they interact with immune system cells. This interaction can be quickly and accurately tested in vitro using donated human blood.


It is done in America for example, people test some medicines and get payed for it. THIS IS MUCH MORE RELIABLE TESTING THAN ANIMAL TESTING!



Computer simulation Examples of computer simulations available include models of diabetes, asthma, and drug absorption, though potential new medicines identified using these techniques are currently still required to be verified in animal and human tests before licensing. Computer operated mannequins, also known as crash test dummies, complete with internal sensors and video, have replaced live animal trauma testing for automobile crash testing. The first of these was

CSierra Sam built in 1949 by Alderson Research Labs (ARL) Sierra Engineering. These dummies continue to be refined. Prior to this, live pigs were used as test subjects for crash testing. Other non-animal simulators have been developed for military use to mimic battlefield induced traumas. TraumaMan and the Combat Trauma Patient Simulator can be used to simulate hemorrhaging, fractures, amputations and burns. Previously, animals were intentionally subjected to various traumas to provide military training. TraumaMan is also now used for training medical students. Several virtual humans have been constructed by creating a mathematical models of a human based on known human reactions. Computer models have been constructed to model human metabolism, to study plaque build-up and cardiovascular risk, and to evaluate toxicity of drugs, tasks for which animals are also used. Institutes Institutes researching (and organizations funding) alternatives to animal testing include: %u2022 Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing

UCDavis Center for Animal Alternatives

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine




THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME, (sign/assinam)

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LINKS das petições da pecuária intensiva / links for the petitions of farm factory:

LINKS das petições dos chimpanzés de laboratório / Links for the petitions on lab chimps:


Para os animais da pecuária intensiva / for farm factory animals rights:


E pelos chimpanzés, a segunda e esta última mais estas / and for the poor lab chimps:


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